I am a modern macrobiotic chef and I love to create original, conscious menus that excite people and transform their lives.
I call my practice FOODOLOGY; the fusion of food knowledge and cooking for health.
The healthier your diet, the better the palette and taste is everything, especially for healthy food. I like to surprise, to bring a unique combination of flavors. If you don’t like the taste why eat? Food is for enjoying, it is life, and taste is the first experience we have with food, quite simply we respond to what we need.
We can use food to cleanse, detox and become alkaline. I explain a little here about the benefits of macrobiotic living and juice detoxing. Both are incredible experiences for reaching optimum health. Which route is for you? It depends entirely on YOU and your LIFESTYLE. So I meet with you and we run a diagnostic, where I can learn about your own foodology and what you are aiming to achieve. We get to the point!! I then prescribe to you a path and then support you fully on it. Nothing is left to chance, diets are precise, you are not a guineapig!

The detox diets, which follow the macrobiotic lifestyles, are made for people who want to heal. Of course this diet will mean you will lose weight and actually the body tends to balance itself to your ideal weight, your optimum body shape, because essentially the macro biotic diet is about coming into balance. Returning to your original ‘template of perfect health’. My clients can expect to come into a state of inner neutrality, and this is what we are seeking, because being neutral means an alkaline, peaceful homestasis within the body. It is a zen state. It is the feeling of being centred. Clients feel and look fabulous with this diet.
Every choice for the personalised menu is considered and weighed up against other foods, so that the correct combination can be made. I like to understand the story of food, with the story of you. Just understanding the story of a grain of millet for example, what will it give, what is it’s rememdy, it’s strength… and what is it you are desiring? Like with all Japanese food preparation, the finer details are well cared for. It is like this with macrobiotic cooking. Touch, feel, smell; it is all so sensory and sensual. I will teach you intimacy with food and a whole new state of being I don’t think you will want to return from.
I am offering; A short detox diet to ‘clean up’ which is a minimum of one week. And a long-term detox which is ‘re-orientating the pattern’ or in Spanish ‘reorientar la pouta’. When we see results we see the modifications needed to continue and so on. You clean away a lot of stuff; disease, emotion, dispersion, excesses… and come to ‘ground’. Back.to.your.self.
The diets help with all maladies and health complaints. Weight loss is expected at 4kilos per week and the structure – which is very precise, very personalised– will depend on our consultation. Please book a consultation or email me with questions.

Detox Cleanse
My juices are a unique offering in a strong and growing market. People are listening to their bodies more, wanting to feel lighter, healthier and give themselves the best shot at health. The juices I create are unique because they are personalised and therapeutic. A lot of research and harvesting goes into the juices, local handpicked food and years of gathering food wisdom. I use the Li-Chi way; a method of bespoke prescription and creative mixing to achieve the desired effect. Juices will send you flying sky high, connecting you to Creative thought and intellect. If you have a creative project happening the juices are great way to harmonise with the process.
This is me creating your rocket fuel – the fun of making them is also imbibed into each jar. I have worked at Several retreats in Ibiza including Liquid Light, 38Degrees North, Formentera Yoga and Boutique Detox. I write about juicing for Ushuaia magazine and have worked with high profile clients offering a discreet and private service.
Choose – 3 or 5 day liquid cleanses:
I deliver to you, you don’t have to do, or think. Just BE. Each delivery meeting is an opportunity to exchange on the experience, how you are feeling, what you need. Juices are all vegetable except maybe a seasonal apple or pear.
I cook for you, in your kitchen, to your tastes, where it is all about you!
I like to transform food into meals that are for people who appreciate good food, that travel for it, seek it out, want to consciously experience it and find my spontaneity and creativity exciting!
I am silent, enchanted with my process, I am often barefoot and grounded, fully sensory, zen like, clean, uncluttered, no fuss. I work like an alchemist and I call my kitchen the lab.
I can travel and cook in transit for up to a month. I cook for families in their home, as well as small events and small boutique wedding parties. Menus designed with the Ibiza spirit.


I mainly teach on a one to one basis, but I am available for courses geared to training professional chefs. I go into the kitchen, with my kitchen clothes, and we transform the kitchen together.
One to one tuition; The time we have together will be shaped by how far you would like to go. In one day we can learn a few recipes, in a week you will have transformed your kitchen into a temple.
On a two-week course or long term you will learn about your health and understand the choosing of ingredients. We have fun, we visit the market, we enjoy the richness of the many levels of taste and creativity. It requires commitment and is rewarded with a new lease of life.
Chef training; I love to teach chefs, I add a new string to their bow, especially to chefs who have become uninspired and lack creativity or innovation. I renew their senses, bringing out their personalities in signature dishes. It is great to take the ideas they already have and bring them out of hiding!

Menu design and food-brand solutions, get me fired up and sizzling like a hot pan!
I get to be creative and artistic, which is so much a part of the Li-Chi way of cooking. Together we set about seeing things outside of the box, finding a unique edge or bringing a new twist to your menu, food offering or packaging.
As an artist I can provide direction to graphic designers, working with them on the creative concept and show casing the food, and the objective of the menu. Partnerships are cocreative and sympathetic to the customer/client’s needs.

I am an Italian; naturally flavor is in my bones! I have learnt about how to cook from my mama, or more to the point ‘how to take care of feeding’ laughs I learnt how to feed, with love, with care and with attention. Mum is super creative and has a very good palette, but mine is better (sorry mama) because I am healthier.
I see food as medicine and I use it as a profound remedy for health issues. Good food can heal the body, mind and soul and can bring small miracles, if you get it right. I have a strong background in developing the Asian way of cooking; which is healthy, clean and harmonic. Yes, my food is all about harmony, which translates as good cooking and health! So I bring harmony to dishes, to kitchens, to lifestyles…I have created this website so that I can really explain in words and pictures my philosophy toward cooking, eating, tasting and living.
I started learning macrobiotic cooking when I became a sushi chef and trained with a master, at the age of 20. I loved how a plate was like a canvas for creating art. I accelerated in this field so quickly that I was assisting with teaching before I even formally graduated, which was a great honour and a time where I really cut my teeth. And so began my love of clean, shameless cuisine and learnt the offshoots, like juice detoxing. I have since developed from a sushi chef, working in Europe’s top Asian fusion restaurants to being a macrobiotic chef; teacher/trainer and juice detox feature writer and creator.
My journey took a turn when I became ill with parasites and I was suffering with stress. It was at this point in my life that I delved into wellbeing, researching the health archives high and low to understand how to heal, how to find harmony in a body that was clearly and miserably out of balance. I had to feel what I was doing, making the switch from study to experience, using my own intuition to find a path. I had a careful diet; I noticed changes in the colour of my skin, the texture of it, my weight, my emotions. The transformation provided proof and I didn’t look back.
As an intuitive foodologist I can read people; see what they need, what they lack, why they are suffering, what would resonate with their digestion and so on. I can create impressive menus to suit most tastes as well as little remedies to help ailments. I am constantly discovering ways in which I can improve people’s health using zero kilometre foods that are in season, organically and lovingly harvested and bought into the kitchen, my lab, to go through a kind of alchemy. I like finding solutions, I love to make people happy and the best reward is to see my clients heal. The very best part for me is when the penny drops, when they get the point, when the energy flows and they become connected to the food- the ‘aha’ moment. Then we’ve got it!